Confronting the Fear Porn of Covid-19 and What I Learned
It is now three years since the media in New Zealand blitzed its population with fear of a frightening pandemic where tens of thousands of people could die. Never in our wildest dreams did we anticipate what would follow. So last year, when Jacinda Ardern departed as New Zealand’s Prime Minister after the draconian lockdowns she put us through (once because of one case), it caused a visceral sigh of relief.
However, New Zealand will never be the same again. This will likely be our “new normal” as Klaus Schwab strongly hinted at the beginning of the so-called ‘pandemic’. When Jacinda Ardern’s celebrated kindness and empathy gave way to fear-inducing threats and a walk back on vaccine mandates, plain cold-heartedness came to the fore and its impact was palpable, sending a ripple effect right through the country. Lockdowns, masking, distancing, not talking to neighbors, staying inside, vilifying the unvaccinated, and shutting our borders in the vain hope of preventing people from becoming sick gave rise to a new kind of sickness: bigotry. It has split up family and friends and community.
Those who were intelligent enough to think for themselves and do their own research quickly became suspicious, refused the untried experimental jab, and were subsequently treated like lepers. They were not allowed into gyms, restaurants, theatres, and even some big department stores. They could not travel. At one stage I could not drive ten minutes to a supermarket without having to go through a roadblock. This triggered my internal alarms and I began waking at nights in a sweat with my heart pounding, singalling there was something seriously wrong. However it had nothing to do with a virus.
At the beginning of the long lockdowns I still had access to my usual walk along the waterfront. But far from it being a relaxing experience amid the turmoil and fear, there was the tension of police patrols rounding up those who tried to go fishing, or who were walking in a group, or those who had driven there to walk.
Once a week when I went to get my groceries as twilight began to descend, I sneaked into a park leading to my favorite river walk to hand feed a goose some seeds, hoping I would not get caught. With no one allowed into the park where people regularly fed the ducks and other birds there, the goose was starving and greedily gulped down handfuls of seeds while the hungry ducks quacked frantically for some too and tried to push her away. Always I returned home distraught with the added distress of having to wait in line masked up to get into the supermarket. It reminded me of what I’d read about the long queues the Russians endured for years to buy food, trapped in the grip of the Soviet Communist regime thrust upon them.
To make matters worse, a friend urged me to get the jab with this disparaging comment:
In my view we face an existential crisis that requires everyone’s full co-operation to overcome. If we do manage to reach 90% [vaccination rate] of the population and escape this virus’ worst damage, the remaining unvaccinated may feel vindicated while failing to see what they owe to the sacrifices of others.
My friend had worked hard for many years to end child poverty in New Zealand. We had had many long discussions about this, and I had made her aware of the connection between domestic violence, child abuse, and the myriad mental and physical health issues that not only contributed to ongoing child poverty, but poverty in general.
Unfortunately each successive government tinkered around the edges of our social and mental health problems, each lacking the essential political will to make changes that could turn people’s lives around for the better by targeting causes. Instead, there was a political campaign to malign those struggling on welfare. The understanding of how they fell through the cracks due to abuse that few would acknowledge, and certainly no one wanted to hear about, was totally absent. And now collectively, those who are maligned for refusing the jab are like the abused child that a family will disown if they dare speak up about the abuse inflicted on them. It brings to mind the following opening to Janis Freegard’s award-winning story, Mill.
There’s a dangerous undercurrent to this country, something sunless… Beneath the veneer of pikelets and lolly scrambles, there is something in this country not altogether nice.
So this ongoing manufactured Covid-19 drama has given me a rude awakening because it has definitely not been “nice.” If each successive New Zealand government could not take appropriate action to address the health and social problems they inherited, how could we expect them to care about our health now? Oh, but this is different you will say, it is a pandemic. And I will suggest that it is a politicized health event as outlined in the Neocon’s Project for A New American Century paper, Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century (2000), where on page 60 it states:
Advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.
A politically useful tool?
Some have asserted that this is a bio-weapon to bring in the Great Reset, otherwise known as the New World Order. It was James Warburg (of the powerul Warburg Jewish banking dynasty) who appeared before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on 17th February, 1950 and declared:
We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.
On January 25, Dr. Naomi Wolf told Steve Bannon on War Room (at 7:15):
I believe as you know that this is a bioweapon. I’ve done reporting showing it’s being manufactured in concert with the CCP. The IP and the tech went, per SEC Filing in 21, to China. China’s opened manufacturing plants all over Western Europe and now in North America. And so to me, it’s just a slow way to debilitate, if not kill off the population of North America and Western Europe. And I say that very conservatively and very advisedly. I think it’s extraordinarily dangerous and terrifying that they’re promoting this now as an annual thing. And, of course, they’re [FDA] going to rubber stamp it on Thursday because this advisory committee is wholly enthralled with the industry.
Dr. Wolf wrote the foreword for a new book: Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports: Find Out What Pfizer, FDA Tried to Conceal. You can find it on Amazon if you search for “Pfizer Documents” or here.
I have to admit that when this Covid alarm began wailing out its ominous and eerie warning as if out of nowhere on a dark and foggy night at sea I, like many others, was gripped by fear. But rather than hiding from what I fear, over the years I have learned to diffuse it by confronting it head on. So I began researching to learn everything I could about this sudden and unwelcome disruption in our lives. That’s when I came across a German pulmonologist, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, who said that coronavirus is part of many viruses.
In Germany Dr. Wodarg conducted a health department in an area with 150,000 people where he had a monitoring system for flu diseases to observe how many people became sick. In the video below, he explained that each year there are new types of viruses worldwide precisely because if the same viruses came again in each successive year, our immune system would recognize them and would not be able to make us sick or to multiply, which is what they want to do. He said there are about one hundred different types of viruses that are changing constantly.
In the image below (screenshot from above video), the colored columns are the viruses. The green parts refer to the coronavirus that was always in the mix. Dr. Wodarg informs us that normally 7% – 15% of viruses are coronaviruses. Hence, it is just normal that a big part of viruses are coronaviruses.
Fortunately for me, the bogyman that was the latest threat to us humans vanished like a rabbit in a magician’s hat, and I heaved a huge sigh of relief. I knew that by strengthening my immune system, I had nothing to fear. While everyone started to frantically wash their hands and disinfect surfaces, I laughed out loud when comedian George Carlin called such people “a bunch of pussies” during his hilarious take on how our very efficient immune system fight germs.
What impressed me so much about the information Dr Wodarg shared, was that in 2009, when he was chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), they conducted an investigation into the WHO’s motives for declaring the H1N1 swine flu a worldwide pandemic. He became highly suspicious when the WHO watered down its definition of ‘pandemic’ from “simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness” to axing the “severity” aspect, so that a pandemic could be declared with zero deaths. Now the definition is simply “a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world” – a mere paper tiger, in fact. Fortuitously, 2009 turned out to be a mild flu season and miraculously the swine flu pandemic came to a sudden end. Poof! Just like my fear of Covid-19.
In 2010, investigations into the WHO’s ‘pandemic’ declaration exposed close links between the WHO and the pharmaceutical companies producing the vaccines. The Danish newspaper Information revealed that pharmaceutical companies had paid five researchers advising the WHO during the ‘pandemic’ around seven million EURO.
In Dr Søren Ventegodt’s scathing criticism of the WHO, Why the Corruption of the World Health Organization (WHO) is the Biggest Threat to the World’s Public Health of Our Time, he pointed out that:
Thousands of patients suffered from a wide range of serious adverse effects: local inflammations, local or systemic muscle pain, vasculitis, neuritis (autoimmune nerve-inflammations), encephalitis, narcolepsy, and other chronic pains…
The Polish health minister revealed everything about the horrible industrial contracts, where the pharmaceutical companies – helped by WHO – sold vaccines that were not even properly tested! The minister pointed to the fact that the test groups were extraordinary small – so small that the adverse effects of the vaccines could not even be evaluated.
F. William Engdahl wrote that after Dr. Wodarg called for an inquiry into alleged conflicts of interest surrounding the EU response to the Swine Flu pandemic, the Netherlands Parliament discovered that the person at the center of the pandemic was Professor Albert Osterhaus of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, a key WHO advisor on influenza, who was “intimately positioned to personally profit from the billions of euros in vaccines allegedly aimed at H1N1.”
Now it should be plain for all to see that history has repeated itself. Collectively we need to open our eyes to see that Big Pharma is in the business to make money – so too all the enablers. If they can scare people into buying their injurious products by injecting the population with fear of each newly created ‘pandemic’ or illness, they will laugh all the way to the bank with their billions at the expense of all the gullible fools who believed their nefarious lies.
You can read more articles by Juliet Bonnay on her blog, Different Perspectives.