How Propaganda Primes the Public for War
Sometimes we have to dig very deep to find the truth under the pile of rubble propaganda creates to destroy it.

Again, babies are the casualties of war. This time the barbarian Palestinian terrorists are reportedly chopping off their heads.
Or are they?
Everyone should know by now that the first casualty of war is truth. It gets rapidly blotted out with propaganda’s emotion-laden images and words to garner public support for each new war psychopath puppeteers pull strings behind the scenes to wage. Nothing is ever as it seems, and if we pay attention to details and connect some dots, a glimmer of truth begins to emerge.
A glaring example of a glimmer of truth emerging came in the wake of a 1990 propaganda hit when Iraqi soldiers with guns supposedly entered a hospital in Kuwait and “took babies out of the incubators, took the incubators, and left the children to die on the cold floor.” Gulping back tears, Nayirah was very convincing in her account of this atrocity, and others.
Americans were horrified, and it clinched the deal to start the first Gulf War against Iraq in 1990. But what no one told the world at the time was that ‘Nayirah’, the 15-year-old daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador in Washington, was professionally trained by the Hill and Knowlton advertising agency to tell the fake incubator story. At the same time, Iraq was blamed for setting three hundred fires on Kuwait’s oil wells. The truth was that America sent twelve men in dune buggies to deliberately set those fires.1 After leading Iraq into this war, America then destroyed Iraq’s army on their way home in 1991, resulting in the following carnage.
George H.W. Bush preceded this attack and followed it up with his talks about a New World Order that would usher in peace and the “rule of law.” But what rule of law?
Then in the wake of this first Gulf War, sanctions were then imposed on Iraq following the web of propaganda lies, leading to the estimated deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children. Madeleine Albright, Secretary of State under Clinton, stated during an interview on 60 Minutes’, “We think the price is worth it.”
This death toll was never denied. Think about that for a moment… I will return to Madeleine Albright later.
Now, we are treated to another ‘Nayirah’-like report.
The second Iraqi War was also started by lies about Iraq possessing ‘weapons of mass destruction’, if you recall. In fact, America relied on lies to justify bombing the rest of the seven Middle Eastern countries the neocons planned to “take out in five years.” And the bloodshed goes on and relentlessly on.
Knowing this, how can anyone seriously entertain these new lies about the Palestinians chopping off the heads of babies? Or that they are going door to door massacring families?
Videos are easily faked or made to depict a horror to shock us. Shakespeare alerted us to the fact that “the world is but a stage,” and anyone with the right skills can create any play or movie they want. Often people project onto others what they themselves have done to offload the guilt of their own dirty deeds. It is a documented fact that terrorists went from door-to-door massacring Palestinians in Deir Yassin on 9 April 1948, only those terrorists belonged to the Israeli terrorist organizations, Irgun and Lehi, led by Menachem Begin2 and Yitzhak Shamir3 respectively, whose aim was to expel all Palestinians and English from what they were determined would become the State of Israel, a state only for Jews.
There was nothing about this attack on innocent Palestinian villagers that was propaganda. The fact of the matter is that the terrorists tried to cover up their carnage by piling up the bodies and setting them on fire to avoid world condemnation.
One man, Shraga Peled, sent by the Haganah Information Service to photograph the aftermath of the Deir Yassin attack, said:
...the first thing I saw was a big tree to which a young Arab fellow was tied. And this tree was burnt in a fire. They had tied him to it and burned him.4
Professor Mordechai Gichon, a lieutenant colonel in the Israel Defense Forces reserves, was also sent to Dier Yassin, and reported:
There was a feeling of considerable slaughter and it was hard for me to explain it to myself as having been done in self-defense. My impression was more of a massacre than anything else. If it is a matter of killing innocent civilians, then it can be called a massacre.5
Mainly women and children were massacred. Over a hundred of them. The Jerusalem commander of the terrorist group, Lehi, Yehoshua Zettler, recalled how the people “ran like cats” when they systematically blew up house after house until half the village was wiped out. He said:
I won't tell you that we were there with kid gloves on. House after house ... we're putting in explosives and they are running away. An explosion and move on, an explosion and move on...6
Many of the photos taken have never seen the light of day. Buried away from prying eyes, I imagine they are valued keepsakes of Israel’s violent birth, which came on 14 May 1948, a little over a month after this terror.
Many similar terrors occurred during Israel’s War of Independence (1947-1948), which pushed three quarters of a million Palestinians off their land and created refugee crisis with desperate, starving Palestinians inundating neighboring Arab countries and pushing their resources to the limit. Meanwhile, the bloodshed in Israel continues to this day. Of particular interest to know is that while the world condemns Hamas for its ‘brutal attack’ on Israel, Ron Paul informs us that Hamas was created by Israel and the U.S. to counteract Yasser Arafat.
Initially Hamas was a fringe group of Palestinian Muslims with no real power. Yet today, Paul tells us, “Hamas rules Gaza with an iron fist, and all because of the U.S. and Israel.”7 Perhaps this has been a way for the fox to gain entry to the hen house.
With ongoing violence and the building of new settlements, the Israelis have now almost succeeded claiming the whole of Palestine as their own, as you can see below. This is in defiance of the original stipulation in the 1917 Balfour Declaration (addressed to Lord Rothschild) that “nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine…”8 But they want it all – at least those in the Likud Party (now headed by Netanyahu) want it all, which they have been pushing for from the time Menachem Begin led the terrorist organisation, Irgun, in the 1940s and later formed the Likud party, becoming Israel’s Prime Minister in 1977.
Mossad defector Victor Ostrovsky, who wrote By Way of Deception: A Devastating Insider's Portrait of the Mossad, noted that Israel swung to the far right after Begin became Prime Minister. The Likud Party’s aim was: “With blood and fear we will build us a nation of cruel and honest fearless.” Ostrovsky added:
They wanted a militant state. They had no support from the Jewish community in America. The Haganah was the more Western style of government. When the Likud came to power they wanted more money. They went to the US and started to move the [Jewish] community further to the right. The Mossad was very influential in this, as they need sources of information, it needs a base.9
Begin was the self-declared “father of terrorism in all the world.”10 It is important to remember this, for I will write more about Begin’s activities in the United States in the 1950s and early 1960s in relation to the Kennedy assassination, and the fomenting of race riots to bring down the U.S. government and replace it with a one-world government otherwise know as the ‘New World Order’.
It is also important to note, which may be another dot to connect later, that according to journalist, Christopher Bollyn, Madeleine Albright’s father, Josef Korbel, was involved in “the illegal arming of the Zionist fighters in Palestine until the end of 1948.”11 He was also mentor to Condoleezza Rice, George W’s National Security Advisor who went on to become his Secretary of State. This was at a time when Iraq was seen as the lynchpin to unravel the whole Middle East, and the neocons had planned to take out seven Middle-Eastern countries in five years.
The video below shows how the propaganda of lies was developed to ‘prove’ that Iraq had ‘weapons of mass destruction’ to achieve the political goal of destroying it. It marked the beginning of the ‘War on Terror’, but who really wanted this war, and what was its hidden agenda?
Brett Redmayne-Titley, in his review of Ronen Bergman’s book, “Rise and Kill First,” released in 2018, wrote:
What this book does more importantly reveal is a multi-faceted unmasking of Israel’s steady descent from the moral to the immoral tactics of war; the myth that its past Prime Ministers were not also barbaric terrorists and sacrosanct; the ongoing descent of other world leaders willing to give up their own conscience into the same mental abyss; the ever-increasing control of Israel over the minds of the American military, the CIA, its media and its politicians; and that Israel has never truly embraced peace as a foreign policy, preferring war and genocide instead.
Worse, “Rise and Kill First” reveals the true mind of the modern Israeli that has been infected by the rise of orthodox Jewish Likud party: An aberration of conscience that has no value for non-Jewish life worldwide whatsoever in its pursuit of its singular goal: Greater Israel.12
Today, Netanyahu heads Begin’s Likud Party and carries the same torch of terrorism, marching in Begin’s footsteps to make the land of what once was Palestine, Israel’s own. At the end of December last year he stated very clearly his objectives for Israel:
"These are the basic lines of the national government headed by me: The Jewish people have an exclusive and unquestionable right to all areas of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop settlement in all parts of the Land of Israel — in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan, Judea and Samaria."13
Marc Lamont Hill, American academic and author of Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics, commented on X:
In light of what is currently happening in Israel and Gaza, it is perhaps time to consider that nothing is what it seems and we have all been fed a bunch of lies for years and years. Undoing those lies and facing the truth, unfortunately, can destroy our world view and for some, it can be too painful to bear. But if we truly want peace in the world, it is time to face the truth and prepare ourselves for many ‘rude awakenings’.
Here are a couple of things to face for a start. The first is that Israel wants more than just Palestine. While Menachem Begin was Prime Minister, a plan for a greater Israel was drawn up by Oded Yinon,14 to take over an area from the Nile to the Euphrates, and to carve up the Middle East into small states Israel could easily control.
Former Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, stated: “Our conflict is with the entire Muslim world, with the entire Arab world.” Iraq was regarded as the lynch pin of the Middle East and, once pulled, the rest of the Middle East would unravel. Neocon Ralph Peters, a former military intelligence officer, drew up the following before and after maps to show how countries hostile to U.S. and Israeli interests could be divided up into bite-sized chunks.
In 1922 during a debate to put the Balfour Declaration15 into effect to create a Jewish State in Palestine, Lord Sydenham replied to Lord Balfour that “the harm done by dumping down an alien population upon an Arab country . . . may never be remedied.” Not only did he add that it would “start a running sore in the East,” but that “no one can tell how far that sore will extend.”16
So here we are today, over one hundred years later with bloodshed that appears to have no end in sight. Not only is this new attack on Gaza likely another attempted land grab for the Zionists, the second truth we need to face is that once the Zionists have it all, it will also enable the theft of resources that rightfully belong to the Palestinian people. Not only have oil and gas been discovered in the former territory of Palestine valued in the billions of dollars, but in 1848 USA Navy Capt. W.F. Lynch surveyed the industrial value of the Dead Sea's “jewels” which are now valued in the trillions of dollars. In 1977 Colonel Curtis Dall, a former employee of Lehman Bros., and son-in-law of former president Franklin D. Roosevelt, wrote a book about the immense wealth in the Dead Sea titled Israel's Five Trillion Dollar Secret. On page 11 he wrote:
The well veiled objective of the Zionists backed by the Rothschild’s financial interests was to acquire valid title to the Dead Sea and its vast, inexhaustible deposits of potash and other valuable minerals, estimated by experts to be worth several thousand billion dollars.

In 1925 the following minerals in the Dead Sea had an estimated collective worth of about three trillion dollars: Magnesium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Potash, Bromide, Salt, and Gypsum. Published in Popular Science Monthy, September 1929, p. 63 was the news that gold had also been discovered in the Dead Sea.
The following video highlights just one area of the Dead Sea that is currently illegally exploited by Israel on Occupied Palestinian Territory by the cosmetic company Ahava, with great benefits going to the Israeli illegal settlements in the area.
At the beginning of this article is the screenshot of a young Palestinian man killed by snipers in the rubble of the 2014 assault on Gaza. The headline news at the time was preoccupied with the downing of MH17 in Ukraine while Gaza was mercilessly bombed. Israel was trying to take out Hamas and seemingly did not care about how many civilians’ lives they took in the process. A glimmer of truth came out in The Guardian, in an article written by Dr. Nafeez Ahmed, about why Gaza was so brutally attacked: Hamas stood in the way of finalising a gas deal.
In 2000, 1.4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas was discovered off the Gaza coast, valued at $4 billion. Regarding the benefit of this to the Palestinians, Israeli defence minister and former Israeli Defence Force (IDF) chief of staff, Moshe Ya'alon, said at the beginning of the 2014 attack on Gaza:
"Israel's experience during the Oslo years indicates Palestinian gas profits would likely end up funding terrorism against Israel. The threat is not limited to Hamas… It is impossible to prevent at least some of the gas proceeds from reaching Palestinian terror groups."
The only option, therefore, is yet another "military operation to uproot Hamas."
If we return to what Ron Paul said about Israel and the U.S. creating Hamas in the first place to counteract Yasser Arafat, could it be conceivable that the Israelis now use Hamas to legitimize ongoing Israeli attacks on Gaza to empty out its inhabitants so that one day they can take control of all the Palestinian natural resources off the Gazan Coast? We could also ask: “Why did Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild ask the British Government, prior to November 2nd 1917, to give Palestine to the Jewish people to establish a national home? And did the trillions of dollars worth of natural resources discovered there in the early 1800s factor in to such a request?”
It is time to start seeing what is happening in the world from many different perpectives to find the truth of what is happening behind the scenes. That also means that we need to understand how propaganda is used to good effect to fool people into adopting certain erroneous beliefs and points of view.
To this end, the documentary Discovery: how media lies documentary film - CNN CBS FOX NEWS channel distorted contents shows the many faces of propaganda used to create a picture Israel wants the world to see. It analyzes and explains how the use of language, framing, and context cleverly veils Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza to ensure it remains hidden in the news media, and from the public, and how any push back from the Palestinians in their struggle for self-determination against an occupier of their territory defines the inevitable Israeli retaliation as ‘defensive’. This is a stunning example of a very effective PR campaign designed to capture the sympathies of the world for what in reality, is a bullying, occupying aggressor who has deprived the human rights of the people who once lived in Palestine in peace.
References and Notes
Juliet Bonnay, Planting the Seed for 9/11 In The American Mind (Part 1)
Read more about Menachem Begin, a terrorist who sows the seeds for a ‘war on terror’ in my article: Planting the Seed for 9/11 In The American Mind (Part 3) and his criminal activities in the United States involving Waco, the New World Order, and his involvement in JFK’s assassination.
Lehi was otherwise known as the “Stern Gang” headed by Avraham Stern. Lehi became the more militant faction when it split from the Irgun in 1940. Yitzhak Shamir became Prime Minister of Israel after Menachem Begin resigned in 1983. He again became Prime Minister from 1986–1992.
Ethan Huff (12 October 2023), Hamas was created by Israeli and US intelligence services to counteract Yasser Arafat, Ron Paul explains
For the wording of the Balfour Declaration see Footnote 15. To find out the truth about why the British handed Palestine over to the Zionists listen to a speech by Benjamin H. Freedman, who committed himself to finding and telling the facts about Zionism and Communism, and founded the League for Peace with Justice in Palestine in 1946.
Victor Ostrovsky 1995 Lecture (Video at 17:30)
Russell Warren Howe described the beginning of his 1974 film interview with Begin, the “father of terrorism”…
“The red light had come on, under the lens. Without preamble, I turned my shoulder to the camera, stared straight into Begin’s eyes, and asked: ‘How does it feel in the light of all that’s going on, to be the father of terrorism in the Middle East?’ ‘In the Middle East?’ he bellowed in his thick, cartoon accent. ‘In all the world.’”
Christopher Bollyn, December 2007, Exposing the Zionist Hidden Hand Ruling Britain and the United States
Josef Korbel (1909-77) was a Czechoslovakian diplomat in the London-based "government" in exile of Edvard Benes, which took power in Prague after World War II.
Korbel clearly played a key role in the Zionist-Israeli weapons pipeline from Czechoslovakia, which was the main supplier and base for the nascent Israeli Air Force. The Zionist air bridge from Czechoslovakia, known as Operation Balak, was the essential weapons supply line and is regarded as one of the Israeli Air Force's most important achievements. Czechoslovakia provided weapons, ammunition, and the first fighter airplanes to the Zionist forces in Palestine.
The would-be Israelis even operated their own airbase and pilot training school in Czechoslovakia. Yugoslavia played an important role as the main transit point for arms shipments going by sea and a refueling stop for the Israeli and Zionist pilots flying fighter aircraft from Czechoslovakia to Palestine – which became the State of Israel after May 1948.
Korbel, an avowed anti-communist and senior member of the Benes government, became the Czech ambassador to Belgrade at this time, although he hated the socialism of Tito. Korbel was the ambassador in Yugoslavia because he was playing another more important role: the key Zionist point man in the illegal weapons transfers to Jewish forces in Palestine. The people, such as Shimon Peres, who were involved in the illegal weapons smuggling to the Haganah and the Irgun terrorist gangs in Palestine have been at the top of the Zionist hierarchy since 1948.
“Rise and Kill First.” – The Secret Israeli Worldwide Assassination Program. Book Review
Note: This whole article is worth reading to understand the thinking that created the Likud Party, that in turn has created modern Israel – thinking that evolved from the visions driving Israel’s early fringe terrorist groups in a brutal attempt to make the whole of Palestine a state for the Jews alone.
Nasim Ahmed (January 3, 2023), Jewish supremacy is state policy, says Netanyahu
Israel Shahak, “Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East:
Balfour Declaration, 2 November 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of His Majesty’s Government the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations, which has been submitted to and approved by the Cabinet: ‘His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.’ I should be grateful if you would bring this Declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour”
Jeremy Hammond, Rejection of Palestianian Self-Determination, pdf, p. 20
This article is excellent and a good counter to the Media propaganda. I have read Ilan Pappe's "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine", and the eye-opening "The Invention of the Jewish People" by Shlomo Sand. I recommend both books, written by (former) Jewish Israeli historians
But that quote from the Oscar Levy book at the top of the article needs a lot more context. Was Levy quoting someone, was he quoting from The Protocols? Please expand on this.
As it stands it looks like sleazy anti-semitism and tends to undermine an article I'd like to send to people!. I know of Rabbis and secular jews who detest Israel. For example Morris Berman has called the Israelis the worst people in the world.
Your knowledge and research combined with your gift of writing from an empathic place is astounding. While I’ve been kicking myself for having wasted so many decades swallowing the lies that have been fed us, I’m grateful to have found truth-seekers like yourself to help confirm certain truths I’ve come to realize on my own simply through logic and intuition. Blessings to you dearest Juliet.