Planting the Seed for 9/11 In The American Mind (Part 2)
The making of 'The Medusa Touch' and the unrealistic 'Hollywood Scene' of 9/11.

Continued from Part 1…
Note: This article was originally published on my Different Perspectives website and has been broken into parts for Rude Awakenings, slightly edited and updated.
The producer of The Medusa Touch was Arnon Milchan, a high-level Israeli intelligence agent. In the mid-1980s one of his Israeli companies was involved in a scandal of smuggling components to Israel that can trigger nuclear explosions. While his business associate, Richard Kelly Smyth, was charged with smuggling, Milchan was never formally indicted.1
Milchan then went on to became a Hollywood movie mogul with several movie credits to his name including Pretty Woman and The Revenant. He was also producer for Oliver Stone’s, JFK, during which Stone became increasingly frustrated at having to rewrite and rewrite parts of the script. Which is why the movie didn’t tell the truth, the whole truth… But I digress.
Because The Medusa Touch was made in the late seventies when no CGI was available, elaborate models were constructed to simulate an aircraft crashing into a skyscraper.
To create a highly realistic visual impact, great thought would have gone into building and working with these models. It is now very obvious to me that the plane crashing into the skyscraper on the Medusa set is far more realistic than the repeated images we saw on 9/11 of a passenger jet ‘appearing’ to slice into the South Tower like a hot knife through butter.
Above, a ‘plane’ appears ‘buried’ up to the engines and nothing breaks off. It then carries on through the building to emerge through thick steel columns on the other side (below) with not so much as a flattened cockpit. It simply beggars belief.
With a passenger jet’s fuselage made of aluminum, common sense should tell us that a plane could not possibly slice through the thick steel columns that formed a protective heavy duty ‘net’ around both WTC towers, as seen during their construction (below).
Note how thick the steel beams are and how closely together they are placed, which shows why the towers’ windows were so narrow. The WTC Towers were constructed to withstand the impact of a large passenger jet fully loaded. Instead, it looks like Hollywood and the Defense Department colluded to pull off this smoke and mirrors trick to create an image of a plane slicing through these columns as if they were made of soft chocolate.
It might surprise you to hear what Donald Trump said about the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11.
In the split second after the ‘plane’ disappears inside the building, a round hole and a few puffs of white smoke is the only ‘evidence’ that something has penetrated the South Tower.
As with magicians, everything happens so quickly we don’t see their sleight of hand. I had to take numerous screen shots to slow the action down enough to work out what really took place. From the screen shot (above), it is obvious that a plane did not go through the steel columns, and the relatively small hole matches what was also initially seen in the Pentagon that day.
So what made these holes? Perhaps the following video clip may make it clearer that something else hit the South Tower:
After the hole appeared in the South Tower, with a few puffs of smoke, there was an explosion (below).
After the explosion, molten steel was seen pouring from the tower (below). Experts agree that a fire caused by jet fuel cannot reach temperatures high enough to melt steel, so what melted it?
I came across a possible answer to question this in a book written by Juri Lina, Architects of Deception, under a heading More Effective Weaponry. He wrote:
Great Britain is conducting experiments with heat weapons armed with thermo baric ammunition. These weapons can be aimed at a particular building, killing everyone inside with a wave of intensive heat without damaging surrounding buildings, as explained by Paul Beaver of Jane’s Defence Weekly magazine. The missile, which produces high temperatures and high pressure, can be fired from the shoulder. As it detonates inside the building, the pressure wave distributes the heat through doorways and stairwells, consuming everything in its way. The Russians successfully used thermal weapons in Chechnya.
It has been revealed that on 11 September 2001, what is known as termit plasma bombs were used to destroy the twin towers of New York’s World Trade Center, after the two aircraft had hit the towers. These plasma bombs are only available to the United States and Israel, not to terrorists. Shortly before the collapse, several powerful explosions are visible on an uncensored video film. (p. 547)
This then raises the question: Were shoulder-fired missiles launched from somewhere at the Twin Towers? Could this be possible? It just so happens that witnesses reported such an event – from the Woolworth Building, which had an unobstructed view of the Twin Towers. The following video footage showing that at least one, and possibly two, missiles were launched from the rooftop terrace of the Woolworth Building, was captured on an MSNBC live feed as the north tower collapsed.
Several witnesses reported this event. Recorded in the Port Authority Police records at 9:08, the exact time the second plane struck, Sgt. Zika reported “a possible missile launch off the Woolworth Building.” 2
As we pulled ‘round the corner, we stopped the rig, and a cop walked over to us and said, `I saw them shoot a missile launcher off that [Woolworth] building, you guys better be careful up there.’ — NYC Fireman
“[About 50 yards from the Tower] There was a ‘swooshing’ sound, then an explosion, and it sounded really low. It was if someone, one or two floors above me, had launched a shoulder-fired missile.” — Lance Cpl. Alan Reifenberg
“They’re shooting at the Trade Center from the Woolworth Building.” — Radio Dispatch3
Considering all of the above, it should now be clear that there is no way a passenger jet could have withstood such an impact with the WTC Towers and instead, should have looked more like the crash in The Medusa Touch, where the passenger jet exploded on impact with the building, sending plane parts flying through the air within a ball of flames.
The following image shows what part of a Boeing 777 passenger jet’s fuselage looks like after crashing to the ground from over 30,000 feet. Note how thin the aluminum fuselage is and ask yourself how it could possibly cut through the thick steel columns that formed a grid around each of the World Trade Center Towers, when in reality, it should have crumpled like this on impact and broken apart before falling onto the street below.
Below is part of the wreckage from a Mitchell B-25 bomber that landed in the street after the plane hit floors 78 and 79 of the Empire State Building in 1945 when it became lost in fog trying to land.
The hole made by the bomber (below) in the Empire State Building, where the fire it started was quickly brought under control, and the building was re-opened a few days later. Notice that the plane could not penetrate far inside the building because of the horizontal floor structure. Therefore common sense should tell us that the height of a Boeing 747 is far greater than both the bomber and the space between the floors of the Twin Towers, therefore making it impossible for it to disappear inside the building.
However, in an effort to ‘fool all the people’ it looks like explosives were cleverly used to create this Hollywood effect (below) of a plane’s silhouette against the North Tower’s ‘impenetrable’ steel grid.
How could this possibly happen? One very interesting (and I believe valid) explanation comes from Rebeka Roth, who investigated this very intriguing effect:
In the years leading up to 9/11, a group of "artists" were living in the north tower. Their temporary 'construction' passes (shown) gave them full access to the entire WTC complex. You be the judge if they really were "artists" or if they just might have been up to something much more nefarious. Scroll through their "art" and judge for yourself. Were they testing the security of the building or setting explosives? 4
Rebeka Roth, an air hostess who realized the impossibility of what happened during 9/11, started digging for the truth and put out some very interesting videos on her findings and research, which have all been removed from YouTube – a likely validation of her findings. Below are photos taken from her website of some of the Israeli “art student's” working inside the WTC complex in an area where walls were lined with boxes of fuse holders labeled “BB 18”.5
To my mind, New York became a giant Hollywood studio on 9/11 and although a lot of real people were killed during the making of this ‘movie’, the special effects, although impressive, considerably stretch the imagination.
In Part 3 I will delve into the underlying political aspects of 9/11.
Notes and References
Christopher Bollyn, The Evolution of The War on Terror – An Israeli Mega-Fraud
Ibid. Note: Also see 9/11 – Rabbit Holes: Woolworth Building Missile [Extended], an informative video that explores different facets of Dick Cheney’s role in 9/11 and what he said after the first Iraq War. It is important to note that during the Clinton presidency Cheney was CEO of Halliburton. It was Halliburton that won the Iraq rebuilding jobs. Also of interest is that the Kellex Corporation was a subsidiary of KBR, Inc. which was formerly a subsidiary of Halliburton, and Kellex was a former tenant of the Woolworth Building. The video also features this witness report at 18:48 of the plane hitting the South Tower:
“I was standing on the roof of the Woolworth Building on the 56th floor, looking out at the Tower to see what happened and the next thing I did, I seen a spot in the air, another plane came down and circled…it kind of went off a little bit and then it straightened itself out and dove to the other side and crashed right in. An explosion was so terrific it looked like it had dynamite in it. The ball of fire that came flying out of that one was even worse than the first one. And we were standing there and I said, “I can’t believe this… And sure enough there it was, another plane. The plane wasn’t no airliner or anything, it was a twin engine big grey plane, about from here down you know maybe down to that yellow van… Two big propellers, and it went “Brrrrhhrrr” when it went in there, it dove right in. I was a few feet away from it. I never seen anything like it. I wouldn’t believe that if I was so close. When you’re on this building on the 56th floor you feel that you can touch them buildings.”
See more photos at Rebeka Roth’s website, Methodical Deception:
Interesting concept laid out in this part. I have heard comments and speculations of explosives ever since 9/11. I, as many I know, were glued to the TV all that day. Similar comments were made about building 7 and why it collapsed, too. One consideration about the impact of aluminum bodied jumbo air liners into the buildings is about mass and speed. I have seen thin splinters of wood driven into solid trees from a tornado and read of such things in other tornadoes and hurricanes. However, that does not rule out the concept of explosives either in the buildings or in the planes. Then there is the question of the Pentagon and what happened to the plane there. However look at the trench dug by the 4th plane augering into the ground, or the Pan Am plane in Lockerbie some years before. Impressive and not much left of the planes.
I can't wait to see part 3.