Sep 11Liked by Juliet Bonnay

Thanks for this great post! Where Did the Towers Go? by Judy Wood - is a book that opened my eyes and forever changed me. I wrote the comment below on another substack and will post it here.

Part 2 NIST, “truthers”, “scientist/engineers” and commission were funded and loaded with support staff that could direct the outcome of the investigation. When people realized that something else was involved - they focused on Bld 7 and thermite and bombs for controlled demolition (all BS these were mechanisms which people felt more comfortable with)- the cabalist easily sacrifice something that draws attention away from the more sinister explanation. They even encouraged pointing out events and people who benefitted like short selling, motives of building owners, transactions, investigations destroyed in Bld 7, - these are fodder and distractions. I am not saying these folks were not involved and had motives – they most certainly were and did have insider information and are yet to be brought to justice. Wonder why the DOJ has not acted? Are they afraid what might be exposed if they did? What I am saying is these are distractions sacrificed in order to conceal what really happened on that day. They want you to believe in the accidental theory of history and dismiss Dark Winter and all of the war games and planning scenarios that went on prior to 9/11. They want you to ignore that on 9/10/01 Sec. of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, disclosed that his dept. was unable to account for 2.3 Trillion in unsupported adjustments. That problem disappeared along with the WTCs and the budget dept of the Pentagon on 911. On a typical day upward of 70,000 folks inhabited the WTCs - so it is a miracle that relatively few lives were lost - or did some sort of warning occur? I don’t have the answers, nor am I claiming that I do. But typically when the perpetrators are asked to investigate something – you can bet the truth will never come out, espc. when those same perpetrators control the flow of information. 9/11 like so many previous events (WACO, Oklahoma City ... ) and the many staged and false flag events since always find something/someone to blame, and the press which has been funded and in bed with the conspirators will shoot down any alternative theory.

9/11 was a transfer of wealth, justification for invasions, and an excuse to steal our inalienable rights - the results were the conveyance of our rights to the government without our consent via the Patriot Act and later Prep Act– they did not get all of them so other disasters and enemies were needed to secure the rest.. Except this time it is not national or expansion of national borders – it is global (something that has been planned for over 100 years). Some people buy into the fear, especially when actions to lessen that fear are taken immediately after an event and folks don’t have the opportunity to reflect on what has happened. Fear is an incredible motivating power -especially if that thing which you are told to be afraid of cannot be seen (viruses, CO2) or is something you have no control of (terrorist).

So why is the acceptance of the use of Directed Energy Weapons and Dustification so important? The only ones with access to this technology at the time was the US military and their partners in 5 eyes and the Mossad, and they will do anything to protect it from the public they will spare no expense to cover up the technology. The many folks that participate in their actions – fear what exposure will do to their reputation – if whistleblowers try to expose the lies they will be destroyed mentally and often physically. Unfortunately it is easy to buy silence, just look at the paid doctors, medical staff, scientist, media and influencers who refuse to speak up even after losing loved ones or having family friends or themselves injured by the COVID medical countermeasures.

Why is it imperative that the truth of 9/11 get out? For many reasons – but one of the most important is to return back to the people the rights taken from us based on false premises. About 6 weeks after 9/11 (on 10/26/2001) The USA Patriot Act (Public Law 107-56) was enacted. The timing was very important – the shock and the demand for retribution (based on the official narrative) was at a peak. This 173 page law – was probably drafted well before 9/11 and was waiting for the perfect planning to implement it. We should look at the authors and supporters of this Act. The stated purpose of it was “to protect innocent Americans from the deadly plans of terrorists dedicated to destroying American and our way of life”. Such a lofty goal, for an Act that basically created the surveillance state and has subsequently been built on and expanded to usurp practically all of our protections guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The purpose of the Constitution was to enslave the government and not the people. So if the basis of this Patriot Act was built on fraud and deception – shouldn’t the Act be repealed and every decree and rule that stemmed from its poison be removed from the books?

Yes 9/11/01 was an act of terrorism – but it was the government and military industrial complex that were/are the terrorist – the same group that had their powers, reach and/or funding greatly expanded after their successful Acts. Powers not delegated to the Federal government were reserved to the States, or to the people (Amend. X). Neither the Federal or State governments can covet the Rights specifically reserved to the people (the freedoms noted in the Constitution) nor certain inalienable Rights (among which are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness) which are endowed to each person by his Creator. These rights are retained by the people (Amend. IX). Such Rights cannot be divested except by the consent of the individual who possesses those rights. Neither the federal/state/local governing body can usurp those rights nor can they grant them or restrictions thereon to a third party (such as a medical doctor or Alphabet agency). On a somewhat lesser scale we might consider how other historical planned/staged events led to laws (many of which are still in effect today) which successfully enslaved us. Create the problem – dictate the reaction- then offer/mandate the solution. Even most of the right-leaning news outlets always refer to the terrorist attack on the US - I think this is because if they entertained the idea that it was something other than that and espc. if it was something that only that our government was capable of then the whole “Never Forget” falls apart.

We had the largest enrollment in the military save WWII because folks believed the propaganda, we destroyed countries based on this propaganda and thousands of organizations raise money based on this propaganda. The truth really does hurt and I would bet that much of the PTSD we see in the military is among folks that have learned the truth but cannot speak it. Practically everybody sat in that camp for a while. But I truly believe that we can never stop the global cabal until we wake up and see 9/11 for what it was – then we can dismantle the laws that enslave us and begin to prosecute the real enemies of the state. The only good thing about COVID is it made people question other things and begin the painful journey to realizing our beloved country has slowly been hijacked. Thanks

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Thanks for your comment, Jewell. The truth really does hurt, so it is understandable that so few people are prepared to face it. I agree with you that in order to stop this cabal in its tracks and undo the damage it has done, we need to wake up to see 9/11 for what it was – along with many of the other events that rocked America with the intent to destroy the country from within.

The Italian documentary 'The New American Century' exposes the neocons acting behind the scenes on 9/11 (and the Patriot Act that had to have been in the works for months before 9/11), and highlights that their September 2000 'Project for a New American Century' document calls for a "new Pearl Harbor" event to bring in the changes needed to create full spectrum American world dominance under the guise of a ‘war against terror’. https://vimeo.com/6215671

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Sep 12Liked by Juliet Bonnay

Thanks - I have not seen it but it sounds great, will watch.

You probably have read William Guy Carr's "Pawns in the Game" (1958). He really covers an incredible amount of history of the World Revolutionary Movement. It is available on Audible and pdf is at https://ia600805.us.archive.org/25/items/pawnsinthegame_201708/pawnsinthegame.pdf

I also recently read Smedley D. Butler's book "WAR IS A RACKET" (1931) https://dn720005.ca.archive.org/0/items/war-is-a-racket-smedley/WAR%20IS%20A%20RACKET%20-%20SMEDLEY.pdf

I love his list of ways to prevent wars.


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Thanks Jewell – I have read Butler's book but not Carr's, and it looks really interesting. Thank you for the link.

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Only those who do not want to know - refuse to believe the truth. Thank You for this comment, it is a match to my own findings and publications.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13Liked by Juliet Bonnay

The use of acoustic weapons (some non-lethal) have been developed and in used for many decades. Vibrations can affect us via our vestibular system (Havana Syndrome). I have been learning how acoustics (sound waves) can be used to bring down buildings, put out fires, and make us ill (and in healing - Royal Raymond Rife).




Levitation using sound waves. https://youtu.be/XpNbyfxxkWE?si=8Ge5-3xz5ifW2o43


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Thank you for these very interesting links. While I was looking them over I remembered the scene in 'Leave the World Behind' where sound waves created disturbing effects like teeth falling out.

It is both interesting to me that the Obamas were producers of this movie, and that I chanced to see this particular one while visiting a friend when I do not usually watch movies. It leaves me wondering what 'they' have in store for us in the future if we try to resist the implementation of 'their' NWO.

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I had just begun learning about acousitc weapons a few years ago. I have learned much more in the past 18 months.

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It is a fascinating subject, but disturbing in the wrong hands.

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Sep 12Liked by Juliet Bonnay

"DW: Three years before the event. It was a well-known thing. As a civil instruction engineer… I knew that there was a calling many years before that the Twin Towers would have to be, should be, demolished, which was an engineering facet to the overall game here. What people do not understand when it comes to New York, the New York Port Authority demand when it comes to any building erected in New York, it must be able to be brought down within its own footprint. In other words we don’t want a fifty-story building falling sideways… "


Reading the above brought some validity to another story

I heard about the towers needing to be taken down. I heard it in 2018, if memory serves me, on a YouTube podcast by Field McConnell. Juan O Savin was a frequent caller in to the show. I took notes at the time. Juan explained that the WTC buildings had been condemned and needed to be brought down, but the asbestos content made bringing them down through controlled demolition forbidden. The Port Authority, if memory serves me, said the buildings had to come down the same way they went up, by crane, piece by piece. The cost to remove the towers was prohibitive.

It came as no surprise to me years later that a diabolical plan was hatched to destroy the WTC towers in an alleged terrorist attack. At the time it happened, I was like most people, too shocked and awed not to believe the official story.

I was an avid follower of Robert David Steele, so seeing mention of him in your article was great. He wrote and commented on so many things, in so many places, I wasn't aware of the writing you mentioned. I will have to look for that and read it.

I have begun reading Judy Wood's book but I am only partially through it. Someone posted a rumble link of her giving a presentation on her book, which I watched.


If one wants to avoid a long, intense read of the book, the above video is worth the watch. I have great respect for her discernment and training to see through the hype of the day, and provide forensic evidence to counter all the lies we were fed.

Thank you for a great read and new things to look up. 👍

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The 'dustification' of the towers contained the asbestos that had to be removed from the buildings, which is why so many first responders became ill and died of various cancers, and other problems. Most of us have a hard time reconciling the criminality and evil behind such action; it is simply too overwhelming.

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It is very likely the presence of asbestos is why much of the debris was hauled away so quickly.

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Sep 12Liked by Juliet Bonnay

Great post.

Here’s a good short 5 minute vid by the great independent documentary journalist and videographer James Corbett. Pass this one around freely. Put it in your calendar to rewatch every year on this date.


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Sep 12Liked by Juliet Bonnay

The most diabolical example of "jewish lightning" the world has ever known! The facts surrounding the planning and execution are undeniable . Judy Wood, David Icke, James Corbitt to name a few have put out an encyclopedia of names and facts that should leave even the most brainwashed and skeptical to not only question the mainstream narrative of 911 but the integrity of every alphabet agency and politician since who has not doggedly pursued the truth to it's rightful end.

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It is a fascinating subject, but disturbing in the wrong hands.

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Yep and this was before so many were manipulated by the government during Covid!?

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